Reading Journal I. : White

Reading Journal: White.

1.) The narrative devices that make this essay by White such a successful passage are the adept descriptions of the environment in the story. The author makes the reader feel at ease, almost as if they were at the lake themselves. This is accomplished through the use of strong sensory words, “the same damp moss”, “rust discarded fish hooks”. The narration is quite relate-able to many readers.

2.) White has a talent for describing the setting in such detail that the reader almost forgets that they are reading a story. The symbolism attributed to the lake alludes to a greater meaning than what appears at surface value. White uses strategically placed wording to lead the audience exactly where he wants them to be.

3.) The reader may feel a sense of disorientation when White begins to go into detail on how he and his son are one and the same. “It was not an entirely new feeling..It gave me a creepy sensation” (19). This paragraph shows the audience that White is just as confused about the transposition as the reader may be, showing that he anticipated the reader’s reaction.

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